Gilos Business Solutions (GBS) is a company providing Business Consultancy services to help clients reform their operations and support their business by providing intuitive guidance.

We strive to be an important ally to every organization who wants to invest in change and improvement and needs help as to where and how.

We are also committed to also undertake projects on behalf of our client's business when it lacks resources or motive to perform them in-house.
Reducing costs and improving sales is the goal of every business. Business operations constitute many processes, including material acquisition, manufacturing costs/production costs and product/service delivery.

Business strategies revolving around operations include the size and location of facilities, product diversification and expansion. It isn't uncommon that several strategies may exist within a company simultaneously.

The organisation may have corporate level strategy (what business should we be), business level strategy (How do we compete in the business) and functional level strategy (functions supporting the business long range plans to support the business.)
As a company with Business Consultants who have first and foremost a broad knowledge of the many facets of business and market forces.

Our consultants possess great problemsolving skills to provide solutions and recommendations that will increase profitability and efficiency.

Our concern primarily is with the strategy, structure, management and operations of a company.

Our role is to identify options for the organisation and suggest recommendations for change, as well as advising on additional resources to implement solutions.

Who we are


Our goal is to contribute to the clients' long-lasting success so that our reputation can expand along with our clientele and be the most trusted consultant in the industry. Your success is our success.


We strive to help organisations to solve issues, create value, maximise growth and improve business performance. They use their business skills to provide objective advice and expertise, and help an organisation to develop any specialist skills that it may be lacking.


  • Great and Quality Service
  • Integrity and Innovation
  • Loyalty and team work
  • Open Minded and good communication
  • Sustainable Solutions

Our Skills

Why Us?

Each year companies spend a lot of money in hiring staff members or management consultants and sadly much of this money pays for impractical data and poorly implemented recommendations.

To reduce this waste, clients need a better understanding of what consulting assignments can accomplish. They need to ask more from such advisers, who in turn must learn to satisfy expanded expectations.

This where Gilos Business Solutions come in, we offer honest and research-based solutions to your business weakness and threats.

Our focus is always growing out of current research on effective consulting, including interviews with competitors, clients, partners and officers of your organisation.

It also stems from our experience supervising beginning consultants and from the many conversations and associations we' ve had with consultants and clients in the market locally and abroad.

These experiences lead us to propose a means of clarifying the purposes of management consulting. When clarity about purpose exists, both parties are more likely to handle the engagement process satisfactorily.